Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Thanksgiving blessing

Thank goodness for Thanksgiving weight gain. Allison finally tipped the scales at 20 lbs and can turn forward in her car seat - no more crying. Hallelujah for Tracey's chocolate chip cookies and Aunt Ginny's lasagna. She giggled and laughed on her first ride facing forward.
Such a big girl!


Blogful said...

Cute seat, cute shoes, can she really be that big already?! It's so nice to be able to hand them things. You can tuck a sippy cut by their hips really well.

Jill Chatterley said...

Shes so cute. I love that she's clapping for herself.

Carol and Maris said...

She is so grown up now...not really a baby, but a little girl! Can't wait for January :-)