Wednesday, September 10, 2008

She's Walking

I broke down and brought Allison this cute shopping cart for a walker. She loves it and all the toys, music, and lights - this is not the shopping cart walker I had. For all of those far away, you can see her development. As you can see, she is not so good at turning it yet!


Anthony and Rachel Orme said...

Wow look at her go. She's a cutie!

The French Family said...

Yippee for walking!! That shopping cart is too cute. Kate just pushed the laundry basket around until she could hold her balance better. Before you know it she'll be running.

Blogful said...

SKILLS!! Jane had one of those and she didn't know how to go any speed other than super fast so I was always running in front of her trying to steer it away from walls. She crashed a lot. I think it really helped her learn to walk though. The other thing she loved doing was holding onto a big wooden spoon and we held the other end.