Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The house renovations

Of course they are taking longer (and more money) than we wanted, but things are getting done. Here are some updated pictures of the house. Ivan almost has the kitchen cabinet door painted, so those should be up in a week or so. We have ordered granite countertops which should be in in about 8 weeks - can't wait....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brandy's Visit

My best friend Brandy came to visit and see Jake for the first time. We had so much fun just hanging out.Managing two in her lapJake loves his diaper being changed - he coos and smiles at you.Smiles after a bathChillin around the house
Allison doesn't always get her way - and she doesn't like it!!!

Temple Square
Our Hike
We couldn't pass up the chance to enjoy the mountains. The weather threatened rain, but it held out for us.
Brandy packed in Jake and our lunch. He fell asleep soon after this picture - babies feel right at home in the wilderness.We stopped for a picnic lunch and of course Jake woke up for lunch too.
Allison missed the picnic, too much fresh airShe woke up right as we were leaving and enjoyed the hike back down

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dad and Kailey came to Utah

Kailey came out to visit for a week (flying by herself) and Dad joined her later. It rained every afternoon (unusual for Utah) so it stopped some of our plans, but we all had a fun time.

Oquirrh Mountain TempleWe went to the open house
In the mountains
We planned on going camping, but the weather didn't work, so we just went up to the mountains for a short hike and camp fire dinner.Ivan and Kailey started the camp fire together.Papou held Allison and Jake while observing the fire starters.Jake "chillin" on Papou's lap.
It was chilly and the only "non-pink" hat I had was a hat Aunt Kristin sent for the winter - so Jake was our little Santa!
On our hike...
Ivan climbed up onto this large rock - he thinks he is a mountain goat.From his viewKailey hiked with AllisonJenna hiked with Jake.
Why did both of the women carry the babies - like the olden days...

Park City
It was the 125th anniversary of Park City, so they had activities for the kids.
Allison got butterfly.
Jake got a dinosaur.
(Apparently my lips were dry)
Afterward we went out for a nice dinner.

Thanks for visit Dad and Kailey!!!


Sorry it has been so long....
But between moving into a new house, renovating a new house, a 1 1/2 year old busy little girl, and a newborn - some things are put on hold. But I have some help, so I am getting a chance to catch all of you up on the family.

Here are some older pictures
When Rita was in Utah to help me with Allison after Jake was born, she tried to get potty training started. Allison liked sitting on the toilet and she would wipe when she was "done".
PUT UP YOUR DUKES! I want to fight!
(Jake about 3 weeks old)Allison hopping into the bath, she put on my shower cap.
GREAT BRIBING PHOTO - I plan on showing this one to her dates in the future (the FAR AWAY future)!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jake's firsts...

Here is some of Jake's firsts on his first day on this Earth.
Allison and Jake meet for the first time.
She had just woke up and was not too enthused about the hospital - she seemed pretty confused.
Jake's first sponge bath.
Getting dress after having the ick of delivery washed off of him. After the warm water, he was out for another nap. Hopefully he will stay mellow like this.
Awake from his nap, I actually caught a photo with his eyes open - so far they are blue, maybe they will stay that way with his blond hair.

Jacob "Jake" James Chatterley

Our little boy is here!
Born March 28th at 2:48pm
7 lbs 15 ounces
20 1/2 inches long
Healthy and very mellow so far!
Right after delivery, I pushed for 1 hour, was very comfortable with my epidural!
Very lovely delivery!
He looks like Allison, I did not get any credit with this baby - looks like his daddy, just like Allison.
Baldy Baby! Blue eyes with blond peach fuzz, very little eyebrows or eyelashes.
On the scale getting weighed for the first time.
Ivan and his new little buddy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

And the wall comes down

The renovations have become. Ivan has been putting in hours of work at the house after work - such a great husband.
Ivan and Eric tore the wall down - YIPPEE!!Opening up the living room to the dining room and kitchen.
One big great room.