Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jake's firsts...

Here is some of Jake's firsts on his first day on this Earth.
Allison and Jake meet for the first time.
She had just woke up and was not too enthused about the hospital - she seemed pretty confused.
Jake's first sponge bath.
Getting dress after having the ick of delivery washed off of him. After the warm water, he was out for another nap. Hopefully he will stay mellow like this.
Awake from his nap, I actually caught a photo with his eyes open - so far they are blue, maybe they will stay that way with his blond hair.


Blogful said...

Oh so cute! Thanks for posting so many. So excited for you. Wish I could come visit you and take pictures.

Loyal and Julie Frisbie-Knudsen said...

He's beautiful, just like his momma! =) Congrats. So glad your delivery was wonderful.

Mike and Emily Black Fam said...

LUUUCKEEE! So beautiful! Glad everything went well. We hope to have some news sometime soon too! Noticed Jacob was a name not previously mentioned. I love the name Jacob!

s.s parker said...

Nice work you guys!! he's a handsome little guy! Your a champ Jenna! love the house by the way, can't wait to see the finished project!