My wonderfully supportive husband found me a flight to Denver to visit my best friend Brandy in Evergreen, CO. Ashley (our third amigo) worked it out and made the trip as well. We had such a great girls weekend. The weather was cool but nice and of course the four days flew by.

In Evergreen, there is a central lake by the center of town, we all decided to walk around it, enjoy the weather and the mix of dogs that passed by.

We thought this was a funny sign

The next day we went to Vail, CO. The town was cute (modeled after a Swiss village) but the layout was NOT stroller friendly (lots of stairs, no elevators or ramps) - Ashely and Brandy encountered some of the obstacles of motherhood. No matter what, we did not let it stop our fun.

When we got home, we decided to make butternut squash soup. Allison enjoyed gumming the squash while I prepped the soup.

My baby washers.... I didn't have to give Allison bath for four days, but I did have my hands full with the dirty diapers.

Brandy and Craig have two LARGE Great Dane dogs (Zoe and Winston). Allison laughed and loved the dogs and decided to "ride" Winston.

At 160 lbs, Allison can fit under Winston standing up.

Decided to go on a hike, which as Brandy said had beautiful 360 degree views at the top, beyond tree line. Ashley was a trooper and hiked the snowy trail in jeans. We only lost the trail once amongst all of the snow. The hike was harder walking in the snow, but was worth the work.
But once we got above tree line - it was another story. The wind pelted the snow at us and gusted at about 60 mph, it almost knocked thin Ashley down. We tried to finish the hike to catch the views, but the ice cold wind was hard on us and we didn't want to torture Allison (who ended up with my scarf around her face and all you could see were her little eyes)! I tried to take some pictures and video but my camera shut down (maybe it was the cold wind?)

Allison caught a ride with Brandy. Thank goodness... I was sucking wind with the snowy hike, altitude, pregnancy, and being out of shape.

Of course, she fell asleep on the way up, she was toasty warm and rhythm of walking always puts her to sleep.